Online dating styles can be quite revealing about one's level of superficiality. After all, humans are visual creatures - and in this situation, the amount of data you have to assess your potential connection to someone is limited.
Last summer, a friend introduced me to the "Area Code Game" where you assign everyone an area code in the following manner: the first digit represents a 1 to 9 rating on someone's face, the middle digit is binary - would you sleep with the person or not? and the last digit represents a 1 to 9 rating on someone's body. So, the "best" someone could be is a Raleigh-Durham, or a 919, the worst a 101, and hey, everyone has had secret sex with NYC or a 212, right? One question that arises from the game is, if someone was your soulmate in every way - you understood each other perfectly, they consistently made you laugh, etc., etc., what is the lowest score that person could have where you would still want to be with them? I always gave myself the benefit of the doubt and said 414.
Yet, as I look at the guys who have nicely taken the time to wink at me or send me an email, I consistently find myself having a hard time responding if they're not in the 717 range and above. I hope I am not as superficial as my initial reactions seem to be!!!
SO... I forced myself to do it! I wrote back to a couple of prospects who I would naturally respond to and one additional person who seemed really nice and smart, but is a 5(hopefully 1)4. I will keep you posted if/when I hear back!
PS. For the single men out there, posting a photo of your arm covered in tattoos makes you fall into the "lotion/basket" category... :)
it's sweeping the nation.....