Sunday, February 20, 2011

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression..."

After a bottle of wine, some makers mark & ginger and a bowl of pasta, B & I decided to try on potential first date outfits for you, the Kissing Frogs readers, to vote on!  I have a date on Wed. coming up, so would love some feedback in the comments section!!

Outfit #1: potentially more appropriate for my upcoming trip to FL?

 Outfit #2:  When I last wore this, a friend told me "you look like the kind of person Japanese businessmen would pay $1000/hr to um hang out with"

Outfit #3: With a sweater, this might be more seasonally appropriate...

Outfit #4:  It has sleeves!!
Outfit #5: W/a sweater... even w/o a bra, this miraculous shirt makes me look like I have some cleavage!


  1. I vote outfit #4 for a first date, or maybe #3 too as a second option. Outfit #1 when the weather improves.... the others maybe for a second or third date. All gorgeous though of course!!!

  2. Though you know I'm partial to the story around #2. I've gotta say #3 and #5 would be my choice for a first date. Sexy casual. With hot boots.

  3. I agree 4 or 3 with a sweater on a first date. If he makes it to the next round then you can take it up a notch!

  4. go with the long sleever. i feel like some of the amazingness of the other tops (and dresses) might be hidden if you have a sweater on... and also i agree w emm - they might be good for 2nd round?!

  5. I think I need to jump on the #4 bandwagon ... and then kick up a notch

  6. Japanese BusinessmanFebruary 23, 2011 at 1:19 PM

    #2 is hot!

  7. #2 or #5, but ditch the timex watch, and add some jewelry to #5.

    either way stick with the FMBs!

  8. Thanks to everyone for the comments, especially the Japanese businessman! konishiwa!
    I'm definitely ditching the timex watch (what are FMBs?)... and am conflicted between 3,4 and 5...I might have to last minute audible. In any case, I'll let you know how it turns out... :)

  9. FMB's= F-Me-Boots....classy guy that DS =)
